Log Status






Time Played

40h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 3, 2024

First played

November 20, 2023

Platforms Played


Completed the main quest, almost all side quests, did not obtain Dragon Armor and Treasure Maps. Some quests could not be completed due to bugs.
+ A really nice soundtrack. Just a very fitting and good sounding music, which I really like and have added it to my watchlist to listen to on YouTube.
+ Good story and humour. The story is a typical your-are-the-chosen-one tale, with some humourous remarks here, which makes it seem as the story should not be taken too seriously, but still interesting enough.
+ Quests and interactions. The game really makes you think of how to complete the quests, and which approach to choose, which is, unfortunately, a lost concept in most modern "RPGs" (Witcher 3, Fallout 3-4, etc.). Some interactions, where you have to move objects like barrels, paintings, boulders was also something I liked, since it made me want to explore the world.
= Combat and overall balance. Enemies are either complete pushovers and die easily to your attacks, or they have insane resistances, and barely take damage from fire, electricity, spikes, poision and don't get frozen. Skills seem to be implemented poorly, most skills are completely useless, and even Divine skills, which are supposed to be your endgame tools, are absolutely useless too. Also, some bosses are completely broken, and require immense amount of reloads and potions to beat.
- Some dungeons are just too big and boring. This can be especially seen in the endgame, where you just have to cut through same enemies through 5 maze like locations. Or you can just use a transformation spell or statue and run past, which I did.
- Bugs. Some quests are bugged, making them impossible to complete because you completed them in the wrong order. Also I had some rendering issues, but it's probably because of compatibility, and simple restart of PC resolved that.
- Compatibility with the modern systems. I had to use community made tools to run the game, which is not that big of an issue, but still took me some time to figure out.
Overall, the game is really good, despite its flaws and age. Hopefully Divinity 2 will keep up the level of the first game.