Having defeated the Gold stake and knowing I won't truly 100% this game I've decided to mark this as complete.

As someone that's not generally into deckbuilders, it was fun in an almost puzzle-solving kind of way to figure out how to best utilize the jokers you end up with.

The dev knocked it out of the park bringing this simple concept to perfection in how the game is polished with the way the cards interact, sound and visuals. Extremely addicting as it's very easy to just jump into another run even after a devastating lost, and sends dopamine through the roof when things work out in a run.

Though consoles receive updates later than the Steam version I still think I made the right choice picking it up on Switch, as it's a great game to pickup and drop or play while chillin before bed.

Given that this was localthunk's first major release I'm excited to see what he comes out with in the future after this banger.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
