N+ 2008

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

December 8, 2021

First played

November 6, 2021

Platforms Played


In my current DS research thanks to the Into the Aether podcast-fueled excitement high I'm currently riding, this is a neat early surprise for me. I played a lot of the original flash game even though I was probably never a huge fan of it, simply because it felt cool to play games in my browser and it was an entertaining enough way to pass some time. But there's really something to being able to engage with its unique momentum physics and feel in quick bursts on a portable system, and the DS is such a natural platform for it. It provides such a weird satisfaction through mastery because it's very well-tuned on an individual level basis and simply nothing else feels like it. It's given me a better appreciation of just how well it sets itself apart and why it would strike a chord with browser gamers back then.

I will say the difficulty curve is absolutely buckwild though, and I guess it's an admission of defeat on the part of the designers to just have numerous level packs unlocked at any given time for the player to try, so if someone struggled with one set they could just jump to another. So in that sense it may not be well-designed, but it found a concession that works well enough to accommodate its quickplay style.