The first episode, "The Forest," was a blast. It brought something fresh to the table, kept me entertained, and even had some good laughs along the way. Never a dull moment there!

But "Sons of the Forest" didn't quite hit the mark for me. It did try to tie up some loose ends from the first game, which was nice, but it felt like they missed the mark with the story. It's like a kid's wild dream put into words—kind of all over the place. Plus, the map was too big, to be honest. I found myself thinking about using cheats just to get through it.

My advice? Skip this one. Save your cash and your time.

Being Mongolian, I was excited to try out "Ghost of Tsushima" when it came out. It was kinda cool to take down virtual versions of our ancestors.

The game's gameplay, graphics, and fighting are all spot-on.
Visually, the game is a masterpiece. The graphics are breathtaking, bringing the island of Tsushima to life with stunning detail. And don't even get me started on the combat—it's fluid, dynamic, and downright addictive. I'm definitely up for another playthrough.

But the story left me feeling a bit meh. When the game ended, I was like, "Wait, is that it?"

Overall, "Ghost of Tsushima" is an incredible experience, but I hesitate to label it a masterpiece solely due to the story's shortcomings. Nevertheless, it's a journey I'll gladly embark on again and again.