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1 day

Last played

December 15, 2022

Platforms Played


The secret to saving RPGs is to give them emulator tier fast forward ass menu-ing alongside succinct yet still satisfying battle animations! Anything with the amount of preamble Pokemon has with all its lengthy text displays for redundant shit can really only stay tolerable on that level, ya know?

Oh! and they also need a good amount o content with a breadth of variables and possibilities for my brain to play around with to remain interesting. All the new 'mons, moves, abilities, harder trainer AI, and optional areas this one adds CONTRIBUTE GREATLY to my continued engagement in identifying things and making FUN MEANINGFUL DECISIONS!!!

OH OHHHH the level cap and global party exp share systems were genius too. You're totally inspired to catch and train however many guys you want because no one will get TOO overpowered anyway! What a DAMN GOOD RPG experience, man... Game Freak would NEVER.

It really do be 'easy' to whip up a turn-based thing I bet. But actually MAKING ITS SYSTEMS ENGAGING??? That's the tricky shit!!!