Maps are too big and not very satisfying to waltz through nor piece together in your mind (the slow ass stair climbing animations omg). For interactions and puzzles so simple, GETTING AROUND shouldn't be so arduous!

Fighting things is THE WORST and lacks good feedback. I feel NOTHING hitting guys with my weapons and am left confused when they hit me! Oh but ya can't ignore combat and just play the resource management game either! Because enemies drop currency! Making combat less about general survival and easy map traversal, and more so just something you HAVE TO engage with periodically in order to keep receiving good items. The knife in this game is also REALLY strong and stunlocks enemies! Grind away! IN MY SURVIVAL HORROR???

uuuughhh OBVIOUSLY itsa noble effort and looks amazing, but like - I'm just kinda tired of playing surface level, emulations of that considerate resi map/decision making gameplay. whateverman

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2021


2 years ago

Did you write down the numbers from the pulse meter? They may not be in the exact order the pulse meter reads them, but they will be those numbers.

2 years ago

I have no doubt it's been fixed by now, but when I played I could simply not interact with that clock/pulse meter puzzle anymore after closing it without solving it

2 years ago

Actually, I think I might be soft locked myself on this part. Oof. Not good.