DAMN SOLID fundamentally, BUT the cluttered menus and half-hearted focus on repetitive back & forth home-base bullshitting, with its 'you can pet the dog' tier of shallow gameplay interactions are a hard disconnect and mighty fine distraction from the otherwise COOL and ENGAGING rpg action you're ACTUALLY here for.

goes without saying, but the thing's narrative and quirky character set dressing are obviously a bit lacking as well. shit's cute yeah (Rosado an ez mvp), but you'd think something that seeks to be simply FUN in appeal would at least also be concise and quick to the point. The storyline beats of this one though - for as basic as they are - play out totally straight, and real unabridged like for no REAL benefit as its all on the level of just some simple power rangers ass drama.

Like this shit's SHALLOW and CORNY. You'd WISH it leaned into that more! And just REVELED in the DUMB FUN of it all! What with you cartoonishly summoning THA FLANDERIZED LEGENDS FROM THE PAST and earnestly preaching about SAVING THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD from the ONE source of conflict. Come on... it should write itself... For how much considered contemplation the GAME takes to actually play and get through, the story being so superficial yet still presented as SERIOUS BUSINESS feeeeels like a misstep. owell!

STILL THO that actual gameplay IS smart enough to carry. There's a lot of clever additions that iterate on the map clicking, decision make-y goodness nicely. The map design kinda rocks, and you're inspired to think in some fun and varied ways alongside a good challenge the whole way through (provided you don't fiddle too much with the extracurricular, grind-potential bullshit the thing unfortunately also provides...). It juuuust gets to feel a bit overly long near the endgame, and you'd wish more of the busywork and shallower elements were cleaned up a tad.

engage together!! fire emblem forever!!!11

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2023
