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good game couldve been great tho
100% worth playing

its not Persona nor Disco Elysium
the story is pretty linear unlike disco
there are only 8 saluters that you can collect ,no fusion , nothing fancy like persona

main story quests are pretty good .
the story sometimes slaps you in the arse by just adding nonsense plots ( "sister you remember your friend? she died" she literally died like it was nothing , the mc was like " it happens man" and moved on)

side quests are pretty well written and enjoyable and have wide variety of objectives. theyre not some random nonsense fetch quest (thanks god) . they are 100% optional.

you dont have to investigate every object , but there are times you have to investigate and search for items to progress, most of the time you dont need to. by not investigation surrounding you only make your life harder ( there are times you can talk your way in , if you dont have the appropriate items you have to fight your way in)

graphics are really good and unique for an indie title by ex-"aaa" developers

gameplay and mechanics are pretty tight and innovative
combat gonna get super hard sometimes
i got my arse whooped a couple of times in hard mode

the saluters are boring and repetitive they had potential