Neon White 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 10, 2024

Platforms Played


Things I liked:

- The gameplay. Smooth and linear and quick to pick up. Card abilities and weapons are super fun and varied, especially the REDACTED card at the end. Good stuff
- The story - it's not bad! Puts some meat on the game's bones, and the voice acting is good, contrary to popular belief
- The treasure hunts. Having to run a level a little slower and solve a platforming-related puzzle, all optional but in service of acquiring the game's good ending, is a nice departure from the main game, a different flavor to cleanse the palate and rest the thumbs a bit

Things I didn't like:

- The gameplay. It's sort of... slow, sluggish, shallow, at times? When you're not actively using a card ability, it doesn't feel great -- like eating your dang vegetables when you want to be stuffing your face with sweet sugary cake the entire time. Also, the levels are entirely linear -- would've been nice to get a few open concepts with numerous viable paths thrown in there
- The story - it's not great! A bit thin for how much time it demands of you (though everything is skippable so it's not a huge deal)
- The treasure hunts. jesus fucking christ some of these gifts were annoying to get. Holy god

Get it? Get how I both like and don't like almost every facet of the game? Pretty clever, I thought.