I played this game for an hour or two and was very much smitten by its artstyle, and its painterly death-moments, and its unconventional game mechanics, and its general sense of mystery; but I started to feel weirdly ambivalent every time I geared up to play it. Soon, I found myself avoiding it entirely.

And I suddenly, just now, realized why. The game feels like homework. It gives me the same low-level anxiety as doing research for a history project at school. I honestly don't even know if that makes it bad! I just know that it's not for me, right now, at this moment in my life.

I have to stress: It's 100% worth playing the first hour or two just to soak in the vibes, and see the kinds of cool, unique stuff the game is asking you to do, even if, like me, you don't want to do it :D

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2022
