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tortuguita commented on minatchi's review of Halo: Combat Evolved
Ermmmm... maybe YOURE the normie babie afterall...

1 day ago

tortuguita commented on minatchi's review of Halo: Combat Evolved
>cancers that killed fpses for a while
>they can kill me in 2 hits or something

i think youre bad at this gaem...

1 day ago

tortuguita commented on funkalunk's review of Hypnospace Outlaw
didnt have any of the issues you mentioned maybe youre just beefbrained BWL

its not simply "nostalgia bait" like you framed it and most of the eyesore websites aren't needed for game progression. hypnospace users are written in a way that they have their own lives outside the program and interact with each other during each of the time skips, if anything it DOES look a lot like early internet websites (specially the very amateur ones made with tools like geocities as you mentioned), message boards etc. where everyone kinda knew each other in a very small but sincere and mostly chill community. it's also very immersive and satisfying getting to know these people via their posts and piece the games narrative together. one of the critiques i can kind of agree on is some of the puzzles being too cryptic, but i myself (and i do consider myself very stupid) finished my first playthrough in about 5 hours playtime without getting out of the game a single time to look for guides. really, all the clues are on the websites and all you gotta do to find most of them is use the search tool correctly.

i seriously do not know if this is bait or you simply played the game for about 8 minutes, got stuck, gave up and came here to say this, because most of your negativity towards this game is nonsense.

3 days ago

tortuguita reviewed Hypnospace Outlaw
This game is special.

The idea of you being a moderator in the early internet days is really unique and works way too well for a puzzle/detective game and, honestly, I'm surprised no other game tried it before! (not that i know of).

The way you progress through the game is also really unique and the game trusts you enough to not hand hold or straight up give you the answer to puzzles. You'll find most of the answers by reading sites, getting to know people and piecing together information you adquire through browsing the posts.

Aesthetic wise it's also very charming and simulates the old internet gifs, 3D models, and overall blog structure perfectly. There's also so many people you get to know through their posts during the game, it's incredible.

Hypnospace Outlaw gets so immersive that upon finishing it, it felt to me like an entire lifetime has passed, and I think that's beautiful. People on this game feel human in a way I can't exactly explain, but there's just this sincerity and personality on their webpages that isn't really common nowadays, everyone feels human and this feeling only gets stronger as you play more of the game and get to know every user.

This game reminded me of a lot of experiences I had on my early internet days but it's also so much more.I can't say more without spoiling things but if you have the means to and doesn't find reading things boring, ABSOLUTELY play this. It's a truly special experience and I'm really SHOCKED almost no one talks or knows about it.

4 days ago

4 days ago

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