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Time Played

7h 33m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 4, 2023

First played

May 31, 2023

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Clearing My Backlog #5

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is like any other tie-in game that came out around the same time; it’s lazy, tedious, bloated (even with its short playtime of 7 hours), and doesn’t try to do anything interesting. I will say that like with most of these tie-in games, the first 40 or so minutes are fun because of how fresh it feels, but they always fail to introduce anything new after those first 40 minutes, leading to the game becoming stale and a chore to get through.

The combat has some thought put into it, but none of it is really interesting; you can get upgrades, equip mutagens (which act as perks) but I’ve noticed that none of these things really impact gameplay? throughout the entire game I was getting health pickups and upgrading everything, but literally NONE of it made any difference, apart from some minor damage improvements. It was astounding as to how badly they fucked up the progression in here, it’s overall just terrible implementation. There are some combos that you can do, but again, they’re not fun to execute, mostly because of the scarce enemy variety.

The boss fights are some of the worst I’ve ever had to play — especially the mini-bosses — with the game only giving you a single way of approaching them which is lunging onto their backs, hitting them a few times, falling off, then doing that exact process six more times FOR A SINGLE MINI-BOSS, like why? The main boss fights, with the exception of one, can be done in under a minute by simply parrying their attacks — which is insanely easy to do — and makes those sections laughable.

The story — as expected, is a dumpster fire, but that was always going to be the case seeing as the movie it’s based off is also a complete mess. The movie’s opening credits are stretched into an entire mission — and even act as the backdrop for everything that’s going on in the game, and man… what a weird creative decision, I got SO tired of coming back to the same environment over and over again for the entire game (I hate jungles).

I really like the cutscenes, they look old — mostly because of the resolution, but are still impressive, especially for the time. One of the things I undoubtedly love about this game though, are Wolverine’s awesome regenerative abilities, I love seeing his body get ripped to shreds and then heal in real time, it’s so fucking cool! and it’s something Insomniac absolutely has to do for their upcoming Wolverine game! along with the brutality of the combat of course.

Playtime: 7.5 hours

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Superhero Games - Ranked
Clearing My Backlog
2009 - Ranked