Bioshock has been one of my favourite games since I was 10 years old and going back to it now; it's still a great experience.

While it does have some rough patches and feels dated in certain aspects, it still delivers with it's captivating world and story; both so rich that you sometimes have to stand still and appreciate the scenery which is filled with beautiful oceanic environments, blood-written messages on the walls and everything in-between.

The rough patches I mentioned earlier come in the form of a minigame where you can hack turrets/cameras; it can be fun for the first couple of hours as you don't encounter many of them but the latter half of the game has 2/3 in every room and it can get annoying as sometimes the minigame wont give you the tubes you need so you end up failing and needlessly taking damage, this is especially frustrating on higher difficulties and when you're trying to get certain achievements. There's also quite a few audio issues, I don't know if this was just on my end but the dialogue was very quiet compared to everything else to the point where I couldn't hear what the characters were saying when there was more than a few things happening at once.

I hate that the silent protagonist trope was present here too; he speaks during the first cutscene but then after that I don't think he ever speaks again? It makes it a bit harder for me to connect with him, despite having a pretty solid arc in the good ending.

I can't wait to start Bioshock 2 because I've heard it improves upon every issue the first one has and it's also the one I don't remember all that much.

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Bioshock - Ranked
2016 - Ranked

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2023


BioShock 2 is awesome! Enjoy!

1 year ago

Thanks! I will!