Exit the Gungeon is like the lite version of its predecessor, it removes everything that made the original unique, and waters every mechanic down to its simplest and most barebones form. All of the floors, guns, items, enemies, and bosses are less varied; which makes sense because this was apparently a mobile game that was made for Apple Arcade, that was eventually ported to PC. It’s just funny how I can happily play Enter for 90+ hours, but then get bored of this one when I've only put in 20 hours. There’s nothing here that has any longevity, you’ll play through everything the game has to offer in about 10 hours if you’re buying items/guns from vendors.

There’s still a lot of fun to be had with the bosses as they’re all mostly enjoyable and rewarding to master, except the Bolt Python… that mf can fuck right off. The new combo mechanic is hit or miss; I like how it rewards skill, but on the other hand, bosses can become annoying to fight if you happen to mess up once and then have to use the shittiest weapons known to man, it just makes me want to restart the run more than anything else. This is also made worse by how it can’t be turned off, so you’re essentially forced to use a bunch of bad weapons whether you want to or not (and no, turning on arsenal mode doesn’t help).

I have no idea why Dodge Roll even made this— instead of focusing on a better and bigger sequel to the first game, hopefully that’s still being worked on… because man, this ain’t it.

Some notes:
- The music is still great, but they haven’t exactly changed anything, or even added new tracks… I think? It’s honestly a bit hard to tell.
- I hate how long the exit animation takes to play when you complete a run, it’s frustrating to scroll past the same credits for the 20th time.

Playtime: 25.6 hours

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
2019 - Ranked

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2023
