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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 21, 2023

First played

December 5, 2023

Platforms Played



Well, not much to complain about here. Basically all I could wish for in a modern Sonic game. All of Frontiers' faults in my eyes are absent here. Dream Team is focused, has a great gameplay flow, sense of speed, momentum and generally well-functioning physics, responsive movement with both a controller and touch controls. The final boss was actually good for once.
The most striking thing, from it's initial reveal, was the visual identity of the game. It, oh great heavens, has one! Unlike a certain other Sonic game... The levels are vibrant, filled with actual character, the character models, after a few small tweaks, are finally expressive and well animated, and it all just looks really good, especially for a mobile game. Seems like they actually had a vision for this one. It also ran really well on my iPhone 11.
Then again, the game isn't without it's flaws. As it is, unfortunately, a mobile game, the difficulty level is... low. Understandable, as most people will play this with touch controls, but it is a fault nonetheless. It didn't really bring much challenge to the table. The soundtrack is pretty weak, with few songs that are repeated constantly. And none of them are particurarly good. It is, however, better than whatever Ohtani cooked up for cyberspace in Frontiers. It was also pretty hard to see stuff at times, but that is the fault of the device.
If I were to say what this game reminds me of, I would say Spark 3 and Super Mario 3D Land. Spark 3 because it really seems like Hardlight played the game and thought "Ey, why not try doing this?" and 3D Land because this feels like Sonic's 3D Land, if you know what I mean.
As sad as it is to say, the best 3D Sonic game since 2011's Generations is a mobile game not even made by Sonic Team. I do hope they make something in a similar vain to Dream Team but with a wider scope, a full console experience with beautiful graphics, even better gameplay feel, great soundtrack... but it's Sonic we're talking about. I wouldn't get my hopes up.