Overwatch 2016

Log Status







Time Played

1700h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 9, 2017

Platforms Played


Note that this review is from my time playing from late 2016 to late 2017, and it is likely very outdated now. I'm also writing this 3 years later, so my memories may not be perfect.

Overwatch is one of the only multiplayer shooters to really grab me. I've tried out many before, however it was the only one that got me hooked for hundreds of hours. The game is fun, however the fact that I played with friends was honestly the only reason I played it so much. One thing I really like is the character variety. When I played, there was about 25 or so characters to play with 4 or so being added during my time playing. All the characters felt unique and most were fair. They all fit into different situations and had strengths and weaknesses. There were also a lot of major changes to the characters, some that I liked and some that I disliked. The map variety is great, and I can't really name a map that I hated, though I obviously preferred some over the others. I also loved a lot of the updates, especially custom games. These got more advanced later on, but early into it's life it was simple so you could really only make simple games, and while it wasn't that great, it was charming and I had some of the most fun I've had in this game just fucking around in dumbass custom games. The game did have a fair share of problems too. The most major one I would say is lootboxes. While you could get them naturally by leveling up or playing in the arcade, it eventually became a drag overtime and it took forever to get one. Another thing I disliked are the character changes. A lot of them felt geared towards the competitive scene rather than casual, leading to the game overtime feeling less like a game I could sit back and have some fun with friends on to a game where I had to focus hard to win. Overall, the game was great, but it got less enjoyable overtime, to the point where I have zero motivation to go and play the game again, even with friends.