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Time Played

31h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 22, 2020

Platforms Played


(Note: This review is old and likely doesn't match my current opinion. Will likely rewrite in the future)

I enjoyed this game more than I'd like
to admit.

I had a lot of fun with the combat, the world was really enjoyable, the characters were all great even if they had basic designs, I laughed multiple times which is rare for games to make me do, I had a lot of fun looking for collectibles, the graphics were beautiful and they did a lot of creative stuff with the style, and I thought the bosses were unique and fit with the game well.

The music was also fucking amazing. It took a different style from the other Paper Mario games, going away from jazz and doing a more rock style OST, which I think works very well for this game. However, in Paper Mario fashion, it still has those weird instruments (I'm 99% sure the event battle song uses rubber chickens as an instrument).

It also had my favorite moment in ANY Mario game, and was probably the first time I felt really fucking sad during a Mario game. The closest was probably SPM or Bowser's Inside Story. I won't be spoiling what happened, but if you know, you know.

The game also could be a little difficult at times. The scissor fight in particular gave me some trouble, and it was stressful as hell.

This game wasn't anywhere near perfect, however. The designs were really lame, and the only ones that stuck out were the bosses , Captain T. Ode, and the people at the Can Food Partay, but even then, T. ode was just a Toad with pirate clothes on and the CFP was just a shy guy with a sombrero with a spike and a bone goomba with him.

The dialogue from these characters were great, but most of the characters themselves were forgettable. I also wish the party members did more in combat other than doing minimal damage. At the very least they could do some cool stuff with the rings, but nah just do 5 damage with no consistency. Why even include them in battle at that point?

Overall, I had a lot of fun with it and I love a lot about it, but it has a fair share of problems that keeps it back. I'd still recommend it though.