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1 day

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May 10, 2022

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The only reason I tried out this game in the first place was just leave a negative review because of the company, which if you don't know, I suggest looking it up on YouTube. But anyways, I decided to try it out after noticing they made it free to give it a fair shot, since I'm like that with games. It still sucked.

It's probably one of the most soulless, corporate production line games I've ever played. Even the likes of EA and mobile game companies would be appalled and look down upon the idea of putting a merch link directly on the title screen.

As for the game itself, the gameplay seems fun at first but it get really repetitive really fast, which is funny considering the chapter only lasts 30 minutes. I like the idea of the puzzles but they just don't really do anything with them. Though maybe the gameplay would be better if this game wasn't complete jank. Terrible physics, multiple clipping issues, and the hand things feel horrible to use, they never do what you want. The last puzzle in particular is heavily brought down by this.

And there's the chase scene, which is meant to be the climax and highlight of the chapter but I could barely get through it due to an annoying use of invisible walls everywhere. There's some paths you should just straight up be able to go through but because the game doesn't want you to there's an invisible wall, which leads to an annoying segment that drags on. I get that the confusion was probably the point, but there's better ways to do that, like having more winding hallways or putting what may seem like paths on first glance but they're actually blocked vents, or something like that.

And speaking of the chase scene, there's the titular Poppy Playtime himself, who is just a really boring and bland design that is so painfully obviously made with the sole intention of being sold as a toy. Outside of the somewhat threatening height, there isn't a single aspect of his design that's interesting or scary in the slightest. He feels like the embodiment of every mascot horror character of the past decade, but at least characters like Bendy or Baldi have unique memorable aspects and styles that make them memorable; Poppy is just a cardboard cutout to push out as a mascot of the game. The only part I liked about him were his animations, but I'll get to that later.

This game also just has a really uninteresting world and story to me. Maybe it's because I'm tired of this FNaF type of story telling, but this game doesn't try to do anything different from those games, just another big business with a shady secret below the surface that involves dead children for some reason. I get it's subjective, but it's nothing I've never seen before.

The only compliment I can give is that the visual design of this game is overall pretty good. Great models, textures, animations, and I like the look of the factory as a whole. Sucks none of this artistic value is applied to the rest of the game.

Overall just don't play this game. I'm glad I waited to play so I didn't have to send a single cent of cash towards MOB Games. Speaking of that, I find it hilarious that they made Chapter 2 $10 dollars despite promising the future chapters would be $5, completely screwing over people who bought the game beforehand. Good sign of a company that respects its audience.