(Note: This review is old and likely doesn't match my current opinion. Will likely rewrite in the future)

Note: played on a homebrewed 3DS.

Now this is how you improve a game. They took all of the annoyances of Earthbound and fixed them, while still keeping everything that made Earthbound iconic just as good. While sadly I was spoiled on a lot of the stuff in this game, those moments still hit me very hard, which says a lot.

The gameplay is really fun and adds a rhythm gimmick to it, which while useful, wasn't necessary, so you could still play without it just fine, if a bit more difficult. The OST is beautiful and I love it even more than Earthbound's. The sad songs are also perfect, especially "Confusion". The name, the song itself, and the moment it happens in are all perfect in every sense of the word.

The graphics in this game are a huge step up from Earthbound. They still keep the style of Earthbound's graphics while making them look very good. The shitty menu system, the unfun ghost mechanic, and the generally annoying areas are all gone from this game and are either improved or just removed.

This game overall is incredible and one of my all time favorites. Even if you aren't a turn based RPG fan, I would recommend this. I would suggest playing Earthbound first though, even with it's annoying mechanics.

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2021
