This clicked a whole lot better with me than Spider-Man PS4 did. It's shorter but also feels a whole lot less bloated. There's no more bad stealth missions and the writing is a whole lot better. The plot is pretty predictable but I like the characters a whole lot more and the banter is actually funny.

The story is also pretty stand-alone, there's callbacks to the previous game but it's not really required playing for this. And while it still has some of the same issues with how the main antagonist is written, Spidey thankfully doesn't work much with the NYPD much in this story.

Gameplay-wise it keeps things mostly the same, with some meaningful changes in the combat. Swinging through the city is mechanically the same but does feel a bit different with Miles's animations having more character to them than Peter's. Mainly to show his inexperience with this Spider-Man thing but still, as a result it's a lot more fun to just watch him swing around.

So yeah I liked this a whole lot more and I'd take more of Miles over more Peter stuff. Hope the next game doesn't sideline him too much when it'll inevitably focus on Peter again.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2021
