Never seems to decide whether it wants to be a chill game about sorting and organizing, or a shape rotator with a cozy skin on top. Sometimes it strikes a nice balance but often it veers too much in either direction, either becoming tedious busy work (reminiscent of Unpacking) or an exercise in unnecessary obfuscation where the aesthetic makes it hard to work out what you are supposed to do.

Considering the game had a whopping NINE programmers working on it, it's striking how it never manages to get the feel right. It always has this tiny bit of awkwardness to it, like it's suffering from input lag and/or missing important layers of feedback. There's always some amount of friction present which adds up cumulatively during the play session and can really get in the way of your enjoyment.

Maybe I'm too harsh on this. I got it in a Humble Bundle for a song and can't say I regret the time I spent with it. And when the game comes together I do think it does things with the premise that are pretty sublime and memorable. Worth playing, if a bit inconsistent. Three stars.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2024
