i love molleindustria agitprop lets gooo

hey im still in here! hey im still in here! hey im still in here!

holds up way better than a lot of the games that were part of this late 00s platformer wave, mostly bc terry cavanagh seems Nice and this game is also Nice

another fun oki game that i played obsessively for a couple weeks until everyone else stopped playing it. very cool and well-designed imo.

best possible execution of the dumbest possible joke, honestly some really cool ideas in this too

played a bunch of this co-op but i dont actually think it's that much fun, i just liked hanging out with my friends

honestly a solid idea but it's so horrible to look at

the hospital administrator is Cheating.

too bastard hard but i remember playing a ton of it bc i didnt have very many games

i remember enjoying this a lot at the time. anyway theyve made 500 of them now so i'm rating this down in the hope it gets them to stop somehow.

when everyone talks about playing goldeneye multiplayer obsessively i map that onto this game, which is what i used to play instead. extremely cool extension of the same basic formula.

all i want in a good space game - ever since i first saw Alien - is to see how people customise their spaces, add little touches of home to their cramped little bubble. any game which does that effectively will win my heart.

you know when you replay a visual novel and skip thru all the dialogue you've seen before to get to some new stuff. what if that was the entire game, and you had to do it 500000x.

(i originally had this review on the first Reigns game but i realised that i actually played this version, which should tell you something about how unmemorable it is)

rhythm games were everywhere in 2011. this isnt the best one, but its probably my favourite one.