These mythological segments in Assassin's Creed can be entertaining even if I'm never entirely sure what is actually happening in the story while we're seeing all this mythical stuff. Interacting with the Greek gods is fun and I particularly enjoyed Hades' performance. We get to dive into three realms: Elysium, a paradise filled with lush fields; Underworld, a dreary hellscape of death and brimstone; and Atlantis, a gorgeous high-tech city. I appreciate the variety they went for with the realms even if the Underworld was a bit overbearing. That is, of course, the point of that region but it did make it a bit dull to explore. The large urban environment of Atlantis was a large reminder that the current parkour system isn't really built for navigating a city despite it being the foundation that the series was built upon. My favourite part of Odyssey was making builds and this DLC gives us some progression in the form of enhancing abilities in the skill tree. I wasn't going to use all these unlocks for the build I was working on but it was fun to have new things to work towards. I really liked the ability that made a double of your character to do a quick assassination of an enemy you're aiming at from a distance. It reminded me of ordering your assassins in the Ezio days. Although I was starting to feel some fatigue after all the many hours of Odyssey I've played up to this point, I did enjoy the DLC and a good continuation of the main game.

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2023
