Not playing this game was a mark of great shame for me. I mean, shame is overly dramatic because we're just taling about video games here but I really did want to finish this game for many years. I love stealth games and often complain how there aren't that many good options for the genre these days so not having played the cornerstone of the genre that is Thief was something I had to rectify. I had started it many times but usually gave up in the second level once the zombies showed up. I always suspoected that Thief 2 would be the game I would enjoy much more (which as of writing this, I have yet to play) but I didn't want to touch the sequel until I got through Thief Gold. I was very determined to get through it this time.

Having finally finished it, I can now say that the game is good. The inspiration for future stealth games is clearly evident and there's a lot of fun mechanics that makes sneaking through these levels satisfying. I'm not totally in love with it though because I didn't enjoy the more supernatural levels. Sneaking past zombies and monsters just didn't interest me that much and I feel it takes up the majority of the game. The good levels are absolute bangers though. Song of the Caverns (opera house level) was my favourite. The level design is wonderful with interesting secret routes. Assassins is also great which starts as a tailing mission leading you to breaking into a house. Undercover was also fun allowing you to infiltrate in a temple with a disguise. I like the prison section of Break from Cragsleft Prison although it is marred by a boring section at the beginning and zombies. Of the supernatural levels, I actually did quite enjoy the Down in the Bonehoard level where you descend into a tomb. The Sword where you infiltrate a crazy manor does seem like the fan favourite but I didn't like it that much despite admiring the design. I've seen people say that it requires more than one playthrough to appreciate so that may be the problem. The main thing I was impressed by with all the levels is that they all managed to feel like real spaces. Even when they were fantastical and weird, the buildings still looked to serve their purpose and you could see where people worked, slept and ate.

I'm glad to have finally gotten through this game and it wasn't the struggle I was sort of always expecting it to be. Sure, there were a number of levels I did not like but the levels I did like really have left an impression on me. I'm excited to move onto Thief 2.

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2023
