I don't think this game does anything exceptional, but i still highly reccomend it.

Ghostrunner is a game of the genre I like to call "neural activation", and does a pretty good job at that aspect. Both the combat and platforming sessions feels great, most cause the movement really encourages you to be creative on how you approach the game, allowing you to do some crazy shit that makes the game not feel too much linear.

You can feel a lack of variety some times, but since it's a short game, I was
just having fun jumping like a retard between walls and stuff.

Like I said, it's nothing exceptional, the music is good but not that much memorable, the story exists, it didn't bother me, neither made me interested, just a ok story, doing a decent job to propel the game foward.

The most catchy aspect of the game is truly the gameplay and the pacing, the game simply never stops, you open the game, press a button and you are playing, then you spend 7 hours just playing without any kind of bullshit holding you for fun, no bullshit or lore dump and shit, just pure fun gameplay.

Not too much to talk I guess, fun and short game, good price at a sale, nothing to complain about. When the average of the game industry is boring unfinished games, this kind of game is a bless.

Reviewed on Mar 29, 2024
