I'm kinda lost to talk about this game so i will be simple.

This game shines on some aspects, and others are just annoying or neutral.
Of course the better aspect of the game is the movement, it's really responsive and allows you to be creative, giving you more freedom on how you explore the map but not doing the same in one of the aspects i really didn't like, the combat.
The combat feels really undercooked, i don't know if i have a shit memory but i felt i was fighting the same 5 enemies the entire game, every map have the same enemies and you can easily kill them without thinking about your movement at all, just hit them like a cave man until they die. This gave me the feel of "if the combat is like this, why does it even exist?". The combat turns into a pace breaker and avoiding enemies starts being more fun than actually killing them. The Z target mechanic doesn't help at that aspect either.
Aside from that, it's still really fun to explore the enviromnents doing crazy sequence of movements to reach where you want to, the simplistic visual makes more easy to navigate and the music is just right on the spot to be a atmospheral music, not distracting you from the exploration at all.
Even with the movement doing a really great job at exploration, the map doesn't do the same, it's really easy to get lost and the map just don't help you at all. It's like playing a 3D Zelda dungeon without the compass, the stages interconnections are well designed but the map is not in the same level, compare that with Metroid Prime where you have a great map with all the details you need, it makes me feel underwhelmed.
In conclusion, it's a fun game with some undercooked aspects. The movement is on par to be one of the greatest platformers of all time, and with a bit more of polish, content, and variety, this would be a masterpiece.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2024
