My god this is one of the most annoying, contrarian review pages I've seen on this site. Anyway I like this game, BOTW is inferior. They NEED to fix the sage's AI though, chasing Riju down in the middle of a battle to activate her ability is very annoying. There are times where she just straight up isn't attacking even though other sages are. Besides that I have a lot of fun exploring the depths.

5 months later: they did not fix Riju's AI.

Reviewed on May 14, 2023


Idk it's been pretty funny so far

1 year ago

50 comments about "$70 DLC" gets old after awhile, but seeing people say it's the same game while having Yakuza or Silent Hill in their favorites in pretty funny

1 year ago

To reiterate I obviously don't hate those games, it's just that they're the pinnacle of reusing assets and copy/pasting but for some reason it's not okay here.
Well considering I found botw mid and yakuza great, might just be the fact they want something good this time but yeah it is an odd point

1 year ago

Of course if you don't like these games that's fine, but people use "oh it's the same map and models 0/10 game" as a gotcha is kind of a strawman, as Yakuza has been reusing Kamurocho for god knows how long at this point. Shitting on an incredibly common practice in game development seems like a copout. I mean, how do they push out COD games yearly? Surely they can't create hundreds of brand new gun models and maps in 12 months.

1 year ago

Why can't I edit comments. Anyway, I just remembered Majora's Mask exists. If that game came out today, people would shit on it relentlessly because it lifts 95% of its models from Ocarina and polishes up the visuals.

1 year ago

Fr, and it's always the anime pfp, visual novel fans

1 year ago

I agree lots of contrarian reviews
Sure but majora actually has amazing dungeons, a memorable ost and a great side plot with the side characters. Dont think that's as comparable. Also saying everyone is being contrarian just isnt right some people genuinely dont like it and they have the right to have that opinion

1 year ago

People can have their opinions, I just don't think their complaints are justified