Kena is exactly as good as I expected it to be.
It’s absolutely stunningly unbelievably gorgeous, with all the vibes you would get from an animated movie. I just recently got an OLED screen to play on and this was the perfect showcase game.
Gameplay-wise I didn’t expect it to be challenging or deep. But the boss fights and even some of the normal mob battles can get very unforgiving, especially if you play on harder difficulties. To get the platinum I played through the game on master difficulty and even though it’s not as good or expertly crafted as a souls game, it definitely felt like it was trying at that. And for a debut title of an indie game studio, that was certainly successful. The few abilities you get while progressing are all nothing particularly fresh or new, but they work well enough to keep you engaged. Exploring the rather linear “open world” is fun enough to keep you engaged. The story follows a very average formula, but the characters (especially the rot) are cute or are charming enough to keep you engaged. What stood out as much as the visual presentation however, is the beautiful soundtrack. I found myself humming the melodies even after I stopped playing, which doesn’t happen too often.

Kena is good. It’s not a masterpiece, or anything new, or anything you NEED to play. It’s just good. It’s a combination of proven elements we all have seen somewhere else. Put together with very high production values and the world building standard of animation movies. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2022
