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turnaboutlies commented on turnaboutlies's review of The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition

thank you! labyrinth of coven games and metallia are goated for real

20 hrs ago

20 hrs ago

turnaboutlies reviewed Rabbit & Steel
finished hard mode with a friend and i really enjoy this game. if you love roguelikes, mmo raiding, and/or in general just like a good alternative to something like ffxiv (not to be that guy) then this is a good pick up. I haven't unlocked all of the characters yet but it's really addicting and is a good challenge. stacking those collectibles and upgrades and seeing your dps shoot up with the total dps you did after every fight is really satisfying to me. good soundtrack and classes that are different AND fun to use from each other like the pet class ancient rabbit.

1 day ago

1 day ago

turnaboutlies followed beetl

5 days ago

turnaboutlies reviewed Toontown: Corporate Clash
friends got me into this game and i have vague memories of the original but this is a great passion project that does so much with toontown in terms of battle mechanics that it is actually fun for me to play. not to mention the new cog models and animations the charm of this game overall.

5 days ago

turnaboutlies finished The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
TW&T100K is the game of all time. It's cool to play this and see the references and building blocks that would eventually be come to create the labyrinth of coven games like the facets, you aka the playable character being an all-powerful familiar, the witches, and story structure. I've been constantly warned about how the ending of this game was utterly flopped but when get to the actual ending of the game it's fine and it actually serves as a narrative to her character in the end which is pretty cool. story is good and metallia is great but some moments has really bad jokes thrown in there in addition to the initial ending players get being bad, but that's kind of the intention to let players know "hey dont you wanna get the real ending of the game".

BUT what's the major problem isn't the story, it's the gameplay. holy shit the gameplay fucking sucks. no sense of stage design, enemy design, or boss design. normally i wouldn't be against asset reuse because companies gotta save up on money and resources somehow but jesus christ it's to a fault here. later on they just reuse bosses as regular enemies that don't flinch to your attacks at all, and they use grunts as bosses too sometimes which makes up for some lame as hell fights. there are 0 good bosses in this game that gave me a sense of fulfillment. bosses are either god awful or just pathetically easy there's no middle line here. do yourself a favor and play the game on casual mode for the best experience because this game is total slop, but at least it's playable; i gave in to casual mode when i was in the postgame for the real ending and i have no shame for it. oh yeah, can't forget the awful loading times too.

would i recommend this? slight yes, but a majority is no. if you do waste your precious income on this game or pirate it, then do keep it in mind that you're in kusoge territory. i'd only recommend this if you played the two labyrinth of coven games, refrain and galleria, and you want to follow it up with the precursor of it all.

but at least metallia is goated to me so in some sense it was worth it. me when a bad bitch tells me to do something

6 days ago

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