As someone who is juggling both the gacha and the fighting game occasionally I have to say this game is a perfect point if you'd like to be invested in Granblue Fantasy and its world. If you are not good or interested in fighting games in general to not play versus then this is a good substitute for those people. It has that fate episode style for every character that cygames games have if you like a certain character and want to invest in them to make them stronger too. The fate episodes are pretty good if you like reading as they summarize the available characters' backstories while exploring new ways they can expand on said characters'. Aside that that game's graphics, world, and writing just feel like I've been sucked into the Granblue Fantasy void again having nailed that vision of 'what if Granblue Fantasy was an actual game besides a gacha that you can invest time in if interested'.

Besides the praises I have to say for the writing and characters there's the gameplay and story which I gotta say are solid. The gameplay I love the most since it's a simple action game on the surface but peep in it and you will see the deep, fucked up intricacies of min-maxing your damage n shit once you get to late game; some even say that this damage system is quite similar to the gacha granblue pit from what I've heard. Anyways, action gameplay good but why I LOVE love about this game are the boss fights. Every boss fight feels intense, dangerous, and fun with their own little mechanics that are fair to deal with where the objective is more or less survive first, deal damage second when bosses get pissed--kinda reminds me of a certain gacha game called Dragalia Lost which is cool. Sidenote: that third primeval god fight you battle just shook me for how much effort they put into bosses... it's just so good. Lastly, every character is fun to play with their gimmicks and skills they can use. Frankly, I haven't played ALL of them but the simplicity of the gameplay helps in just about making me warm up to any crewmate's playstyle with a little practice.

Main Story's also nice, short, and sweet. Rolan, Id, and the other side characters are great with some of their respective boss fights but the real game begins once you beat the main story, and by the time of this writing I just started it. No comments on the online, but I will get it to it when I do it. Only complaint I have to throw out there is that GBF:Relink's PC port has some minor issues like strange audio cutout, but that could be just on my end.

TL;DR game fun and do the post game for the core of it if you like it a lot. i recommend this game to anyone who likes to get invested in granblue fantasy

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2024
