A survival horror classic that is meticulously detailed, scary and well-crafted. It is incredible what Team Silent were able to create to run on PlayStation hardware, using the iconic fog and darkness to keep draw distances close, interesting camera shifts from third-person to fixed purposely for disorienting the player. The beginning part is so well done with how the background music shifts with the darkness as you get trapped in the alley.

Akira Yamaoka created the perfect repressive dark industrial soundtrack that fits each moment. Out of the first 4 games, Silent Hill is the most abrasive and rough. Cutscenes have dreamy psychedelic trip hop vibe, exploring the town has low drones, and harsh metal clanging sharply during enemy confrontation.

A lot can be said about this game and overall this is one that I frequently go back to and is one of my favourites.

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2023
