Gameplay is a massive improvement over the previous game.
story had me mostly engaged till the 3rd act, by that point my brain was blown out and I was drooling by the amount of exposition and nonsense that was dumped on me. and the fact that you cant pause cutscenes is insane when they can feel like 20 minutes long at points.

The shooting mechanics are a lot better but still not perfect. The game still wants you to rely on stealth which isn't too bad as the stealth can be quite fun to pull off when do smoothly.

There are small moments in this game as well that don't tell the player how to really proceed, leaving me stuck and having to pull out a guide. which is always frustrating to me.

A decent follow up, but one I don't think I'll be revisiting too much as I just didn't really care for the plot overall. sorry metal gear fans. but I'm still looking forward to what 3 and 4 may give me.