64 Reviews liked by udderchaos25

Any season that actively makes competitive players pissy and angry while giving casual players new toys and tools to work with is a good season in my book.

I'm wary of how things will play out since it's still early for the season (I'm wanting to do logs for the start and end of seasons since I think it's worthwhile looking at how stuff changes and my thoughts over time), and I really hope that Epic at least partially ignores the "pro players" in favor of the overwhelming majority who play the game for casual fun; the vehicle meta is a very different change of pace that has brought much needed variety to how matches generally play out. I do think the vehicles are a bit overly spongy on health, to the point that you're basically guaranteed a death sentence if you don't have one by endgame or yours blows up, but I really hope Epic's solution to that isn't just nerfing vehicles and instead giving on-foot players more weapons and tools to deal with them instead. Like, it's pretty surprising the rocket launcher wasn't unvaulted for this season? The explosive crossbow is okay but it doesn't drop as frequently as it really should to be a proper solution.

This is the season that has finally made the Chapter 5 map worthwhile. I love the new overhauled bottom portion of the map with all the different ways you can not just traverse it, but going fast while doing so. The Nitrodome is maybe the worst boss location, but I also wonder if that's more just to do with early season excitement and everybody wanting to land there like most seasons tend to have. XP speeds have significantly been bumped up compared to last season but I wonder if that's more to do with Epic just further giving up on any story at all at this point; the only sources of XP you're getting are from the thankfully improved dailies (you don't have to random chance it from the list, you're given three quests you can tackle on any match in any order), weeklies, and Creative/Festival/Racing/LEGO. I can't really complain though when we're barely through week one and I'm already at level 20 compared to last season when I had barely gotten through level 100 by the very end.

We'll see where things end up by the end of the season and also what the metaverse modes will have to offer as they update in the middle of the season, but the core Battle Royale mode itself is finally interesting in a unique way again that I hope Epic sticks to their guns on.

The best season in Fortnite history. Basically Titanfall with cars the way pedestrians be getting crushed.

Platformers with bad platforming shouldn't exist, but unfortunately they do. This game was a relic in 1991 and it's basically rotted at this point. Props to them for letting you have unlimited continues I guess, but that doesn't make it any more fun. I guess I can see some sort of brutal enjoyment one could get from mastering this game's shitty controls and ruthless enemy placement and level design, but I am not one of those people who could find such fun. This is just a lousy game to me. 1/6

For years people said that Pokémon games were the worst they've ever been. However they decided to stop that by making a game so bad that it is impossible to make a worse game ever. Even if the next game is just a menu screen that thanks you for giving all your money to Game Freak, you can still say "at least it's better than those gen 4 remakes."

Very fun. All the different game mechanics interacting ends up making for some interesting puzzles. The graphics are incredibly detailed for a game trying to emulate 90s-era graphics, which makes it feel like how those games actually felt when you played them at the time.

Arguably the worst installment of the series so far. It has a lot going for it with 3 new protagonists who are all pretty interesting, additions to the combat system that make it feel fresh, some fun new side content, and a genuine sense of tension and intrigue in its earlier chapters. But unfortunately it's paired with some of Yakuza's worst writing. Gradually piling up more and more stupid reveals that make it nearly impossible to understand or care about anything that happens after the halfway point. It also has these random scenes that make the protagonists look really shitty in ways that are out of character (Saejima’s first scene with Haruka being the worst example by far). The boss fights also are awful, the amount of dodge spam and stun lock combos made for some of my least favorite bosses of any video game. Even if I did enjoy Yakuza 4, I can't deny its an absolute mess of a game.

the gravest insult I can lay at this games feet: I'd rather play a Bethesda game

Game of the Year for that kid who blasts the Soviet Anthem on the bus

its got its flaws from an RPG standpoint as bethesda's games get more and more diluted, but...

there's something deeply special about this game i cant bring myself to go full morrowboomer and say its bad. i love u skyrim


Lost Judgment is a standalone sequel to Judgment, which had originally released a few years prior. The first game was a success both in Japan and worldwide despite not having the Yakuza brand in its title but the prospect of it branching out into a series seemed unlikely due to Takuya Kimura (Yagami's VA and face model) being under a talent agency that (to say the very least) is quite strict with how their talent is used, hence why we didn't see PC versions until very recently. Fortunately, in 2021, Judgment was announced to be returning with a sequel.

Lost Judgment, despite obviously being a sequel to the original Judgment, feels also like a follow-up to Yakuza: Like a Dragon from the mainline series in which the Tojo Clan and Omi Alliance formally disband. We see the aftermath of this in Lost Judgment with the main group of bad guys being a gang organisation named RK comprised of former Tojo members who didn't join Daigo and Watase's legitimate business ventures or find anything else to do. In fact, there's a lot of connections between Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Lost Judgment, with both games primarily being set in Ijincho, Yokohama. Yagami also comes across the Yokohama Liumang and the Geomijul as well, who Ichiban Kasuga previously had become acquainted with. Some familiar faces from Like a Dragon also show up.

The story primarily revolves around two cases - one involving a police officer who had been caught groping a woman on a train and the other involving bullying at Seiryo High School. Whilst seemingly unrelated, it turns out that these two cases are very much intertwined and much of the game is spent discovering the ties between them.

Plot-wise, I think this game is on par with its predecessor. Perhaps the first game was a bit more tightly paced and had the more interesting conflict, Lost Judgment's plot feels a bit more grounded in reality, touching upon more grounded issues than the nationwide medical and political conspiracy from before. The main antagonist in particular is one of the series' most interesting. Unlike the Mole from the first game, the main antagonist's motive for killing isn't just for fun and games, there's a very interesting moral dilemma between them and Yagami that persists throughout the game's latter half in which some thought-provoking perspectives are constantly put forward. It comes to the point where even your main partner Kaito isn't decided on who he believes to be right or wrong. The game serves as a massive middle finger to Japan's legal system and how ineffective it truly is and resolving the issues that plague the entire country. It's an engaging plot from start to finish with some very strong character writing and conflict, even more so than the original game.

On the gameplay front, Lost Judgment is the culmination of everything from RGG's history. Where Yakuza: Like a Dragon overhauled the combat system to be turn-based, Lost Judgment continues the real-time combat and tweaks it to perfection - it's smooth, fluid and is visually satisfying. In terms of the detective stuff, everything from the first game is here and accounted for (except wirehandling I think?) but they're used significantly less this time around, at least during the main campaign. There's only one tailing mission and it's at the very beginning of the game which is a godsend because it's still quite dull and boring but at the very least, the target moves quicker and there's more options to avoid detection. Other gimmicks like lock-picking and active search mode are also utilised from time-to-time but more liberally than before. Whilst this is an improvement, it does call into question if Judgment truly benefits from having these gameplay distinctions from the mainline series especially since they tend to be the weakest parts of these games. Not helping that case is the introduction of stealth sections which are better than tailing but still quite pointless and time-consuming. One addition I did enjoy was the parkour mechanic where instead of running head first into buildings, Yagami is forced to do some climbing around. Whilst it is quite limited since you can only do this during particular points when the game allows you to, I'd like to see this expanded upon in future entries as an alternative means of traversal. This could be a good way to bring back the verticality that Yakuza 4 brought with its version of Kamurocho.

Content-wise, this game rivals Yakuza 0 and even Yakuza 5 in how much side content there is to do. There's an abundance of side cases you can take as usual but there's the new school stories which effectively replace the friendship system from Yakuza 0 and Judgment, each primarily revolving around a unique minigame such as dancing, skateboarding, robot fighting, etc. Lost Judgment gives you plenty to do outside of the main campaign, as any RGG game does, but there's a butt-ton of it here too. Not everything is a winner but most of it is very enjoyable and they're nice pace-breakers to the main plot.

Overall, Lost Judgment is a fantastic game and quite possibly the best overall product that RGG Studios has ever put out. Whilst I still personally prefer Yakuza 0 and 6, Lost Judgment is the most refined and polished game we've ever gotten from the Yakuza franchise and is a must-play for fans of the series.

"there were great people on both sides" ass game

I used to praise The Last Of Us Part 2 even through all the backlash the game received even before launch. it's still a technically impressive and polished game but as the years went by and with my views and values evolving I cannot love this game anymore espicially after heaving learned what Neil Druckmann's motivations were making the game. I even go as far to say that I despise The Last Of Us Part 2 now and that I deeply regret that I bought it on launch unintentionally supporting Neil's disgusting values.

A case study in how one of the most prolific and resourceful game studios in the world can be led by a single man’s beliefs to create something that is immeasurably hollow and hateful, exacting a grueling human toll in the process. Free Palestine.

Where do I start, undeniably the best Yakuza has to offer when it comes to character writing, story, side-cast, antagonists, music and payoff, the side content is up there among the best.

It's only a bit lacking in the gameplay section, but that's understandable since this is the first dragon engine game.

The way Kiryu's arc comes to an end here is not simply through what the series says about living, but also its overarching themes of parenthood from way back in Yakuza 1...it's magical even, Hard to describe it with words when I have tears all over my face. RGG fucking killed it.