This is the most repulsive and propaganda-filled game I have ever played in my entire life. Cold War and by extension most of the Call of Duty franchise is the opposite of what I consider to be art, there is no message behind this game other than serve your imperialist country, never question what they do, and kill Middle Eastern/Russian people.

The beginning of the campaign starts you off with killing seemingly innocent people watching their television, then proceeding to have an all-out war at the house just to find one man who you then torture info out of only to kill him anyway. Following that mission you do it all once again at an airport, killing people forced into their position all for one man. There is no empathy behind it or thinking, the game depicts these people as subhuman because they aren't an American, they're doing the same shit you do, if not less since they aren't even the aggressor here, but for a different country, but you're the righteous one because you're American. Following that mission we're introduced to our Lord and Savior Ronald Reagan famous for ruining the prospects of multiple generations and he gets to say that all of the war crimes your gang wants to commit are all okay because it's in the name of our "free" country AMERICA!!! It was at this point I uninstalled the game because of how repulsive it was.

Outside of the horrendous propaganda campaign's "story" the gameplay was shit too, it's an extremely basic and boring cover shooter, literally all style, or rather blood sweat and tears of crunched and abused employees, and no substance.

The fact that this damn series sells so well is legitimately depressing to me, this isn't art, this isn't even a fun game, all that this game is, is imperialist propaganda

If I could give this a 0/5 or a negative score I would. I felt sick every moment I played this game.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2023


10 months ago

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10 months ago

The game doesn't depict soviets as subhuman. You play in the KGB headquarters as a spy and Gorbachev gives you the same spiel as Reagan, not supervillain jargon or dehumanized motivation. It's all "our way of life," it's a spy thriller with historical backdrop not straight up propaganda. A main plot point is the CIA's inhumane MKULTRA experiments, which give you impetus at a certain point to betray the entire American unit (if you choose). The opposite of "never question what they do." There's subtext to the callous disregard for lives taken if you pay attention. There's a lot of good art here, especially in the environment design

10 months ago

@werecus The ending where you betray America is depicted as the bad and non-canon ending, we're back to where we started, it's okay to commit war crimes because America did it.