Definitely visually striking, with a great soundtrack featuring vaporwave canon like haircuts for men and VRTLHVN, but is comparatively neglectful of establishing a worthwhile script.

While the humor is good, the dialogue left me wanting more; maybe its meant to be superficial, or is simply a product of making near every protagonist confused, backstoryless mannequins - most we ever get Michael Jackson's descriptions of Sergei in SNAKE ﴾蛇﴿ and the sibling relationship fundamental to MONKEY ﴾猴﴿. Latter of which being one of my favorite for its pure focus, and SPIDER ﴾蛛﴿ for the depths of its excesses. DRAGON ﴾龍﴿ also stand out for its emphasis on puzzles; I wish we saw more of that across the stories. But all of them play out the same way, nonetheless: clueless dudes stumbling their way in or out of an esoteric dooms. It gets monotonous fast, and feel at times that it only offers spectacle.

This game underwhelmed me more than anything. But I am looking forward to future projects from this developer.

Really does a lot with the medium of video games in how it subverts typical mechanics and tropes towards a larger theme of isolation and the societal stripping away of our bodily autonomy. goofy/cute too.