I like being surprised by a game and this was a really nice surprise. The developers' affection for Robocop is completely obvious the whole time you’re playing. On the one hand, the script clearly wasn’t written by a native English speaker and most of the voice overs are the quality you’d normally get in a badly dubbed kitchen roll commercial, but on the other the actual plot itself is a much better follow-up to Robocop 2 than what they came out with in Robocop 3, Peter Weller puts in real effort as Robo himself and the game’s levels evoke Robocop incredibly well.

In fact, it’s that sense of place, whether you’re going around the wonderfully detailed recreation of the police station or realising you’re in the same steel mill from the first film where Murphy met his end, which makes the game work. Verhoeven-level gouts of blood spray forth from the creeps, walls explode in showers of plaster and documents scatter through the air as you trundle through the areas and power up your Auto-9, which eventually becomes a hand-held heavy machine gun full auto sniper rifle with unlimited ammo by the time you’re done with the game. As you would want from Robocop, the game does a great job of keeping you as a walking tank while still raising the stakes with new enemies.

In the end, this game’s got moxie and that’s what’s pushed it to a 5 for me. That and the ridiculous final boss. If you really like Robocop I think you'll get a lot from it.

Reviewed on Nov 13, 2023
