Super fun shooter, will give you the most enjoyable panic attacks you've ever had.

As a person who cares not a HOOT for completionism or heavy exploration, I appreciated how optional secret-hunting was here. It's a great system: you get a lil reward for looking around and being clever, but you're not forced to if you just wanna get to the next gunfight. I enjoyed splitting the difference, looking for secrets if a detour caught my eye, but mostly pushing forward in an aggro fashion.

The combat is very satisfying: while the game doesn't directly encourage this, I found gunfights became a trial-and-error game of rock-paper-scissors. I developed and remembered lil systems for taking down each enemy. I've heard the next game goes all in on this concept, and I think I'll enjoy that.

The story is enjoyable set dressing, the graphics look pretty even years later, and the music rips. It's not the deepest experience, but it was a grand way to spend 20 hours!

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024
