31 reviews liked by umbrella_employe

I very much enjoyed playing this game. Great combat, great graphics ( I played on balanced ), incredible soundtrack, and found the story to be fine.

Combat is probably what I loved the most in this game, parrying and dodging feels very satisfying, and the final few bosses can genuinely be hard.

Soundtrack is incredible, hanging around the camp and hearing the music just feels very nostalgic for some reason.

I liked the level designs, but felt that it peaked with the first area ( Eidos 7 ). Character designs are great, and I love Eve's outfits.

I played on balanced mode, and while the levels are mostly 60fps, in the main hub and in like two boss areas, the frame drops can be pretty noticeable.

Story is fine, but a bit on the shorter side. Can definitely complete it in about 10-15 hours.

Stellar Blade is just a rhythm game with Sekiro combat & NieR vibes. The OST is calming, Nier-esque ,angelic. One of the most beautiful combat systems ever.

Easy GOTY contender.

Yes, I bought it for the Thomas. (Thomas is short for thick mommas, but y'all ain't ready for that conversation)

Stellar Blade is a very impressive debut game from Shift Up Studios. When I played through it these past 2 weeks I have had fun. Some of the absolute best battle systems in an action game ever. deeply inspired by Bayonetta and Nier, a wonderful main character and beautiful music. It is not perfect it has some basic flaws but for what it is. It is an absolute impressive masterpiece

I really liked this one, the maps are more extensive than in 2 and the nemesis pursuits really add a lot of stress to the experience.

In hindsight I think I understand why a lot of people don't care for RE3, It's one of those games where there are multiple ways to percieve it. Am I going to pretend the alley ways are engaging and an essential use of your time? no. But I will say that so much is done immediately that I end up loving the whole experience regardless. Pespectives that don't think the game lives up to it's potential are justified. But I think thematically because the game starts you in the middle of a crazy situation. I'm able to really feel the tension here, at all times. It's no wonder it is one of my most replayed games ever.

One of my favorite games of all time, and the best of the original trilogy. Nemesis is easily one of the best horror monsters to have ever been created.

Walking out of a safe room to be immediately grabbed by Nematode is peak fear

Things I liked:
- Fight mechanics were great. They are very choppy but still very enjoyable
- Great character designs
- Art Style

Things I disliked:
- Story mode (it had the potential to be something special but well)
- Voice acting kinda cringe ngl

Overall, despite its flaws, it's still a very fun to play game and that's more than enough for me. And of course, it's a fighting game so I don't really mind the (kinda) worthless story.

1 list liked by umbrella_employe