There are some games that make you feel like a kid again. Earthbound is the first one that comes to my mind when I think of this feeling, which is hard to explain. Nintendo knows how to recreate this but, inside of this category, there are two (mainly) kinds of games: Those that treat us like little babies who cannot speak yet or those that embrace the sweet feeling of the childhood. Ghost Trick definitely falls under the first category.

Do you know that feeling when someone repeats you the same thing twice for no reason? This game is even worse than that. The characters treat each other like if they were stupid and they are not even likeable. They are not charismatic and overthink obvious things like if they were the solution of the Riemann hypothesis.

I couldn't care less about the puzzles (if they can be considered like that). They felt more of a chore than puzzles that makes you satisfied when you complete them. They are embarrassingly easy and they play with their own rules, which are awful. You are telling me that I can move by possessing items in order to trying to reach the objective but you decide (without an explanation) which items can be possessed at your free will. Better yet, the range of your movement is totally arbitrary, they do not make any sense. For example, a ball can have a huge range and a lamp of a similar size can have a larger/smaller range than the ball, all of this because they weren't able to seize the mechanic that they invented. Even though I kind of described the feeling, in game it's so much worst and frustrating.

About the story, I didn't care at all. I mainly started to playing this title because of it but the gameplay and the treatment towards the player and the characters made me sick. To be honest, it didn't excited me neither, it's your typical drama plot with ghosts. But again, I abandoned the game halfway so I cannot speak beyond that point.

The graphics look bad. The 3D textures weren't the best option to develop the puzzles, to be honest. There are some games out there with a similar mechanic that seizes pretty well the specs of the DS. From the top of my head: 999, Hotel Dusk and Professor Layton are brilliant examples of how to make a smart puzzle/visual novel game on DS. I wish this game could be named on the say breath as them.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

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2 years ago

mad cuz couldn't beat chapter 2