3 Reviews liked by ushiromiya

finally finished slow damage! took me a while to get into it esp since i finished lamento recently, but here we are, it's a very good game. continuing on i will write all my thoughts about this game and its routes so whoever wants to discuss more can freely comment their opinion, i would really love that! anyways.

slow damage looks gorgeous! every n+c game has amazing visuals that fit the overall theme of its games and slow damage is surely one of them, the art, atmosphere and soundtrack all compliment the dark and twisted nature of the protagonists mind and it truly is a breath of fresh air having a 'darker' mc unlike the mcs of the previous entries who are either demure or chipper.

in this game we follow towa who lives pretty self-destructively, reveling in his own pain and madness and living from today to tomorrow. with every route we play we get a fragment of his past or a glimpse of his personality outside his masochistic auteur facade.
as for the routes; i will be frank and say that fujieda's route is the absolute peak of this game, the route that made me obsessively sit in front of the computer and click click click until i finally put the pieces together and see them two live their lives unapologetically and happily.
the other route i also enjoyed very much was rei's. rei is such a good and lovable character, i just wanted to hug him and pat him on his head. also i loved his friend group so much, just a really fun route that also deals with his complex issues, don't want to spoil it much but all in all fujieda and rei are definitely the routes i enjoyed the most.

as for madarame and taku. honestly idk which route i enjoyed LESS. maybe madarame's lol. i know we all love and respect toxic yaoi, i do too, but i kinda feel that madarame had only that going on for him. i can see the appeal but honestly the execution could be better. he was too one dimensional for me to like him and tbh after playing rei's route, going for madarame just hurt and left a bad taste in my mouth. something didn't click for me and i say this as someone whose fave in tnc was shiki lol...

taku was just... boring LOL i really love the older man yaoi route but taku was not interesting enough. his bad end was interesting gonna admit but otherwise kinda stale....

yeah those are my thoughts! fujieda ryou lover forever peace x <3

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this game is making me loose it a little bit because i am playing it 10 years to late and there is no one to talk to about it.
that said! an interesting relic of its time. maybe a bit too long, but overall very satisfying with how innocuous many "silly" details felt at first in the dating sim half (nageki being a ghost, kazuaki smelling of bleach) were actually perfectly incorporated by the end. the game really presented you with this "superficial" first half that wound up just being the set-up for the core of the game + wonderful pay-off in the second half. ("superficial" because still fun an enjoyable!) honestly i was really ready for it to end but by the time the doctor gave revealed his insane homoerotic backstory i was incredibly hooked, and by the time the bonus epilogue finished i was like wow ok yes i care about these stupid characters! it's really meticulously structured where most characters exist for a very specific narrative reason despite initially presenting as fulfilling some archetypal checklist for dating sims. i enjoy the subterfuge. gaming!