From a standpoint where you enjoy collecting your favorite characters and exploring scenic vistas, Genshin Impact is perhaps the perfect game.

Beyond that, Genshin Impact suffers from its flat and uninspired systems. Decision-making is dull and almost non-existent, while its mechanics are inherently going to suffer when its cut and clear that aesthetics are its priorities.

I admit, I lost my interest towards Genshin Impact for over two years ago now.

Every now and then, I mull over the fact Genshin Impact still has something for me. The first time Liyue came into view, with Wangshu Inn towering over its landscape, is certainly a warping experience. But is it worth it if I have to trudge through my stocks of resin with disappointment? Nah, I don't think so.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
