Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 1, 2024

First played

March 27, 2024

Platforms Played


A hilarious little game that harkens back to the 90's era of non-Square Enix RPG's with buckets of charm and that classic Nintendo spark. However, it lacks the focus of a game that you can get your teeth into after around 10-15 hours.

I started this game and absolutely loved it from the get-go. The style and level of polish is immediately apparent and it's sense of child-like humour is utterly charming and really makes the player smile.

The issues arrive a few hours in though. It's actual direction is lacking and the tutorial segments crop up far too often and are easily forgettable. If you take a few days off the game, you will likely forget what you were doing, where you were going and what the hell is going on. You can chalk this up to player error but to me, it needs a little something to help focus the story.

There's a brilliant amount of side content here which was surprising. It's more than just 'babys first RPG' which many of you will be glad to hear. It also has an absolutely stellar sound track which should really surprise no-one.

Despite the many many good points to the game, I am sad to announce that I couldn't quite see it through to the end. I took too long of a break from it and the desire to continue wasn't there.

This hasn't put me off the series though, far from it. From what I hear, the series actually improves hugely with it's next couple of entries so I will absolutely be checking them out soon!