2 reviews liked by vch

Top 50 Favorites: #1

My favorite video game of all time, hands down. I fully understand the criticisms that many have with this being short, after all that's my only real 'issue' with it as well - if you had to pull my leg on it. Otherwise I find this to be a transcendent, drop-dead gorgeous, virtually flawless experience like none other I've ever played before - perfectly fine-tuned to 'me', the things I like, my own personal wavelength: Richard Hogg's divine art style combined with fluid controls that feel like a dream to handle and what I consider to be the #1 soundtrack in the annals of gaming history unite to form a feeling that never ceases to sweep me off my feet. I played this right at the genesis of a period of immeasurable positive change in my life, and I will never forget how this game made me feel - as if it were reaching into my own soul and showing me all that would be to come. Words cannot properly express how much I love it in all its dazzling, adorable, buoyant, snappy, completely and utterly original glory. If this isn't your cup of tea, I get it 100% - but for me this is straight-up euphoria.

my highlight with this one is the music and the uplifting tone of interacting with this world