After 6 playthroughs, including a VoS run, I feel like I've played enough of this game to give my thoughts.

I thought RE7 was pretty great and genuinely scary, but its gameplay didn't give much for replay value aside from trophy hunting. I still enjoyed its presentation very much, but it's clear the experience of the story was the main focus.

RE Village goes in the other direction, where it isn't quite as scary (for the most part) as 7 but it's more action-focused similar to RE4 (which Capcom have said was a big influence on this game's development). While 4 is a masterpiece of gaming, this game isn't any slouch either. Its inspiration from 4 is abundantly clear (the duke here even makes a passing reference to 4's iconic merchant), and at its best the combat isn't too far off from 4's great story beats.

There is still lots to love with the horror elements. Lady D, memes aside, is easily the most memorable villain (sans possibly Heisenberg) and her castle is likely most people's favorite part, myself included. It becomes pretty scary when she starts stalking you, and on VoS mode she's much faster and will likely slash you before you find cover.

House Beneviento is likely the most infamous "dungeon" in the game, due to its atmosphere, themes, and imagery being very much like Silent Hill (another series I need to play ASAP). I've seen plenty complain over the lack of weapons and combat here, but I loved the extended puzzle sequence. Then there's the infamous monster chase that happens there, it is easily one of the scariest moments I've experienced in gaming (maybe second only to the invisible water monster from Amnesia: The Dark Descent) and left my heart pounding harder and harder, it gave me an almost primal form of fear.

The horror aspect feels a little less emphasized with the rest of the game, but the Moreau chase sequence is extremely thrilling and a clear nod to Del Lago from 4.

I think the gameplay takes a dive at Heisenberg's Factory, the enemies are HUGE damage sponges that shred your ammo. The lycan stronghold has similar problems (more of too many enemies as opposed to too tanky enemies), but I feel the factory is my least favorite area to go through even if it gets easier on repeats (better than 7's boat, at least). The mutated Heisenberg fight is cool at least (not on VoS mode though).

The story here continues from the Mia ending in 7, while I'm not a story guy when it comes to RE, I did like the characters that were introduced here. Plus the ending got to me and almost teared me up.

Other things that tickled my fancy:

-I played my first run with earbuds in, and I loved the sound design. I especially love how bassy Moreau's mutated form's roar is.

-The "Knives Out" playthrough is one of the dumbest things I've done in a game but one of the funniest and most fun. Having mutated villains giving monologues mid-fight, only to get murked by a knife-punch is hilariously entertaining.

This might be a little messy and jumbled, but this is what I think of the game. I did a little bit of mercenaries mode and it has its fun, I'm not big into its roguelike nature and will probably come back to platinum it another time since I'm a little worn on the combat.

Despite its flaws, I loved this game and really need to get to the RE remakes (have 2, 3, and 4) and the OG games too. Loved this game, will definitely come back to it in the future.


Reviewed on Feb 12, 2024
