I must confess I haven't played the original PS1 game, but after playing through this a few times I definitely want to.

As someone who got into RE with 4, I always wanted to get into the classic horror style of the original games and this definitely piqued my interest to continue going down that path. This is genuinely frightening at times (the groans of the sewer monsters icked me on a visceral level, I found them scarier than even Big Daddy Warbucks), and the zombies can take several shots before they flinch so you're always thinking about your next course of action. It is the classic horror approach of limited resources, so you always need to prioritize what you need at any given moment (side note, I really wish it had a psuedo-NG+ where you can start a file with more inventory slots but I suppose that's part of the experience). Then there's Mr. X, who is definitely my favorite stalker character out of the RE games I've played. Lady D from Village is pretty easy to avoid and not prevalent enough to be a threat, DaBaby is much scarier at first but once you learn how to despawn it it's not so bad. Mr. X had me tense up on all of my playthoughs thus far, even if I feel I get how he worked (I find myself yelling FASTER at Claire and Leon whenever I hear the heavy footsteps).

My first run of the game was Leon A + Claire B (I think when I do the PS1 game I'll do Claire A + Leon B), and I honestly think I prefer Claire's side of the story. The differences between both As and Bs isn't too much, but it's enough to make some scenes feel super different (case in point, how Marvin talks to Leon as opposed to Claire).

I definitely want to try for the platinum trophy, but I've been craving to starting 4's remake so I think I've had my fill for the time being. Definitely anxious yet excited to try hardcore mode.


Reviewed on Mar 31, 2024
