This game suffers from the fact that if you played literally any other mainline The Elder Scrolls it just looks not that good.

It's fine and cool as it is, but far from an masterpiece. Also, is a nice starter from someone wanting to get into Western RPGs, due to the extremely simple RPG system, limited number of builds and very intuitive mechanics, something that games like Morrowind, Baldur's Gate or Arcanum would much probably overwhelm newcommers to the genre (although all these games are way better than Skyrim)

I could comment more about the game, but i think a lot of what i said about Fallout 3, is also true here. The world is really cool, there's a lot of good side quests (love the Markarth Political side Quests for god sake) and the exploration is quite fun, even with its shortcomings. But the main campaign is underwhelming and here, much more than in Fallout 3, the combat system sucks (to be fair with this one, in all TES games it sucks to some extent).

If you already into Western RPGs, you probably already played this game, but if you never played a TES go play Morrowind. If you are wanting to get into WRPGs, this can be a nice introduction, altough The Witcher 3 may be a more well rounded and solid experience (The Witcher 3 is way lighter in RPG elements tho, so this game may be good to get used to some tropes of the genre)

If you have a great PC, you can literally make this game a good game with mods, so it's worth a try,

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2023
