This review refers to the first part of the "Mass Effect" trilogy from the "Mass Effect: Legendary Edition" and NOT to the stand-alone game.

🕗 Total time played (approx.): +50h
🏆 Completion: 100% (35/35 Trophies)


This game, a timeless classic now reintroduced with modern enhancements, provided me with an unforgettable voyage through the captivating universe of Commander Shepard and the Normandy crew. I embarked on a quest that allowed me to fully immerse myself in the epic narrative and achieve the remarkable milestone of completing the game at an exhilarating 100 percent.

From the moment I set foot aboard the SSV Normandy, I was entranced by the sheer depth and intricacy of the universe crafted within "Mass Effect." The beautifully remastered visuals breathed new life into the cosmos, while the attention to detail in character design, alien species, and awe-inspiring landscapes drew me into a rich and immersive experience. Every conversation, every exploration, and every battle felt like a significant piece of a grand, interstellar puzzle.

Revisiting the narrative of the first "Mass Effect" felt like reuniting with an old friend – familiar, yet full of surprises. The heart-pounding action sequences, the meticulously designed dialogues, and the captivating character interactions underscored the immense craftsmanship that went into creating this masterpiece. Each decision I made, whether strategic or emotional, played a crucial role in shaping both my Commander Shepard and the unfolding storyline.

Achieving 100 percent completion within "Mass Effect: Legendary Edition" was no small feat, but it was a journey well worth undertaking. From delving into the myriad of side quests that brought the universe to life, to meticulously scanning every planet for resources and secrets, I relished every moment of exploration. The rich lore and attention to detail rewarded my curiosity, and the sense of accomplishment I felt upon uncovering every hidden gem was truly satisfying.

As a dedicated player, I also embarked on a captivating adventure with the additional content provided in the Legendary Edition. The inclusion of the "Bring Down the Sky" DLC expanded my horizons and offered fresh challenges that seamlessly integrated with the main narrative. Each encounter, whether aboard an asteroid or amidst a volatile hostage situation, added layers of complexity to the game, making my journey as Commander Shepard even more engrossing.

"Mass Effect", basically Part 1 of the "Mass Effect: Legendary Edition" served as the catalyst for my decision to embark on a full replay of the trilogy. The captivating allure of the first game reignited my passion for the series, and I eagerly anticipate the immersive experiences that await in the subsequent installments. The iconic characters, the morally challenging decisions, and the vast galaxy of opportunities beckon me to explore further, to uncover hidden secrets, and to continue shaping the destiny of Commander Shepard.

In closing, "Mass Effect" for the PS4, as part of the Legendary Edition, is a triumphant return to an unforgettable universe. The meticulous remastering, the absorbing narrative, and the enriching gameplay mechanics make it a journey well worth revisiting. As I continue my expedition through the trilogy, I am reminded of the boundless possibilities that lie ahead, and I eagerly anticipate the emotional highs and lows that only the "Mass Effect" series can deliver.

⭐ Rating: 5/5

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2023
