🕗 Total time played (approx.): 5h
🏆 Completion: 100% (22/22 Trophies)


"Omno" beckoned me with its promise of exploration, discovery, and a tranquil journey through captivating landscapes. The initial moments were undeniably enchanting, as I set foot in a world teeming with lush beauty and seemingly limitless potential. The ethereal atmosphere and serene ambiance succeeded in evoking a sense of calm and wonder, setting the stage for a promising escapade.

Venturing deeper into "Omno", I found myself immersed in an array of captivating environments, each offering unique challenges and puzzles. The game's traversal mechanics, such as gliding and dashing, added a layer of dynamism to the exploration, allowing me to traverse the breathtaking vistas with a sense of fluidity and grace. These moments of mobility were undoubtedly the game's highlights, providing a sense of empowerment that resonated deeply. However, despite the promising start, "Omno" began to exhibit signs of monotony as I continued my journey. The pacing, which initially felt deliberate and purposeful, gradually devolved into a sense of sluggishness that hindered my engagement. The serene atmosphere, while initially captivating, began to lose its impact as the absence of variety and new challenges detracted from the experience. The game's penchant for exploration, while commendable, sometimes bordered on aimlessness, leaving me yearning for more engaging objectives.

The puzzles, though engaging at times, often failed to evolve beyond their initial novelty, contributing to a sense of repetitiveness. While some challenges offered moments of intellectual satisfaction, others felt predictable and formulaic, failing to provide the depth and variety needed to keep me fully engaged throughout the journey.

It's important to note that "Omno" does have its redeeming qualities. The minimalist narrative, while subtle, offers a sense of purpose and intrigue that kept me invested in uncovering the mysteries of the world. The art style and design deserve commendation for their aesthetic appeal and the tranquil ambiance they evoke. Moreover, the seamless integration of traversal mechanics adds a layer of excitement to the exploration. In conclusion, "Omno" is a game that embraces serene beauty and simple pleasures, providing fleeting moments of enchantment and tranquility. While the initial allure of the lush landscapes and graceful traversal mechanics is undeniable, the experience falters over time due to pacing issues and a lack of variety. Despite its shortcomings, "Omno" manages to offer occasional glimmers of enjoyment, making it a title that might resonate with players seeking a meditative escape.

⭐ Rating: 2.5/5

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2023
