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Fun and unique game. Great pixel-art (from the same team as Metal Slug of course) and music. A ton of environmental variety and some cool setpieces. It took me a bit to warm up to it, but I've really enjoyed it.

The weapons and subweapons all have their strengths and weaknesses and the game has scaling difficulty based on how much powerups you pick up which adds a bit more depth to it (for better or worse). The gameplay is much more methodical and slow-paced than your typical shmup, and since you can move forward at your own pace, it is to your benefit to advance carefully, as there is a lot going on at once in this game and you can easily be caught out of position especially with how slow the movement speed is.

The game and its bosses (except for the final) are more puzzle-oriented and involve figuring out the method rather than dodging complex patterns.