The game is beautiful, the combat is good but something felt a little bit boring while playing through the main story. The start is very memorable with Jin and his horse running on the field of flowers, the cinematic music playing is amazing.

Anyway, there's one thing that made me stop playing for like a month, it was the way the story was going. Recruiting missions are really boring IMO, and the player needs to recruit Masako, Ishikawa, Ryuzo and the Straw Hats.

Jin Sakai through the 1st act feels so powerless, everything he does is saying "Help me and my uncle will reward you", "My uncle will save me and you". It's ok Jin, we know that your uncle will help saving Tsushima and he is important to you and you want to save him, but EVERYTHING you do is talking about your uncle.

The enemies were very little diverse, Archers, Heavy Fighters, Swordsman, Shield guys, Spearmen, and a mix between Heavy Fighters with Shield. The Duels with other Straw Hats, the Mythic Tales and Main Story Bosses are really well made.

In the end, the game is good, beautiful and the combat is great, but it had some aspects in story that could be more elaborated.

Reviewed on Mar 01, 2022
